jdkhfsdf;dfskj … [Read more...]

A Four Paw Pet Resort
jdkhfsdf;dfskj … [Read more...]
All services are CAGE FREE! Your pup will not wait in a crate or cage before, during, or after their sessions. We proudly carry SPA by TropiClean; natural, high-quality, and sourced in the USA, and products made by FURminator. Oatmeal Hypoallergenic, White Coat, & Medicated Shampoos are also available. Specialty cuts are subject to additional charges. All dogs and cats must be up to date on rabies shots. … [Read more...]
This is a sample post for the community category. … [Read more...]
Our state-of-the art, comfortable accommodations feature like-home flooring, bedding, and atmosphere. Each suite has a standard, windowed door. There are no chain-link fences or kennel-style glass enclosures. Each suite features raised bedding and blankets. We spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with each of our guests, giving your dog time to exercise and play, and we pride ourselves on treating your dog like one of our own. Our guests are fed twice daily, and though we do … [Read more...]
I met my best friend one night at Centre Animal Hospital in State College. As the doctor was wrapping up for the night, I answered a call from the coordinator at PAWS, a local State College animal rescue that the fabulous doctors at Centre Animal Hospital provided care for. It was ten minutes until closing and my worst nightmare as a recent 21 year old on a Friday night on Penn State campus came true. "Looks like I'm staying late for another patient!" Low and behold, about 20 minutes later, … [Read more...]
This is a sample post for our news and events category. I will edit it accordingly once the website is live. … [Read more...]
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! … [Read more...]